

# 現代化的台北隨著人口密集及其它因素 已經進入高房價的時代.雖然地價不是最貴的.卻因為薪資所得已經停止凍漲13年.但台北房價卻在這4年來漲了50%.1000萬的房子在台北不算貴.但一般受薪階級若要擁有自己的房子.可能要承受20-30年的高額貸款 每月薪水4萬 卻仍需繳出超過自身薪資50%以上的利息本金. 這意謂著必需要有2人以上一起負擔貸款.期間不能有其他太多大筆開銷(包含養育小孩).導至許多雖然買房卻成為沉重負擔的人們.過著新貧窮生活..... 這成為此作品的發想根據...!!


#My concept is based on showing the circumstances surrounding unfair housing prices in Taipei,Taiwan. The cost of living is getting higher while the average salary has not risen in 13 years. As a result, the current generation of 20 and 30 year olds are not only suffering from extremely high household debt and are having children. For example, a young couple on an average salary would have to pay half of their salary to the mortgage loan, while leaving the rest of living. If they were to have children, that would make life even tougher as the amount of disposable income decreases. Therefore, I created the man who is carrying the snail and the woman, which represents household debt and the family (The snail is often being used as a symbol of house in Taiwan.). The devil and the boss are bloodsuckers on the average income. We are all like that man who is living in this hell and surrounded by these heavy pressures.





.HD 720P 


The man's heaviest burden from MARK HUANG on Vimeo










每次作品都是新的嘗試.一如以往.過程當中遇到了許多問題.如: v-ray 動畫閃爍的問題. normal map尺寸貼圖問題.整體畫面色調構圖的完整性. 還有細節部份的調整. 最重要的是第一次做後製整合. 還第一次混音 (音樂造詣實在待加強). 有很多部份實在沒有做好.但盡力.希望這些經驗在下次作品能更好更完整.這也是練習的目的. 

這次挑了一個不討喜的主題.用了極不討喜的風格.或許吃力不討好.或許覺得很醜~ 只是覺得不同風格也是一種嘗試. 以前沒做過.就試試看.反正就是純創作.沒有任何商業用途.也就沒考慮到商業價值的問題了~!!

(謝謝 Louis Lu大神在整體畫面的指導.小次在後製方面很多指導.還有5大帥溝 法客兄.鋒哥.T哥.資樣.阿滿 給我最中肯的意見.JERRY ROSA幫忙翻譯.)最後~講了一堆~~~反正就是做完了~~可以回復腦殘的生活了~YA 開心~!!!


( 製作過程~~ )



wirfram 千斤頂 女角 小鬼 合併 吸血鬼男角蝸牛





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